Saturday, March 24, 2007

Prepaid Legal Service

Are Pre-paid services worth the money? You may be covered when it comes to health, life, car or home insurance… but what about legal coverage? The question is not if you'll need a lawyer, but when: according to the American Bar Association (ABA) “Americans have come to view legal assistance as a necessity”. Yet, most Americans have not used a lawyer more than once due to the sky high attorney fees – anywhere from $100 to $1000 per hour – and the trepidation involved in the search for legal services. Prepaid legal insurance might just be the answer you have been looking for. The concept is simple: for a fixed monthly subscription, you get telephone access to advice from a lawyer. You pay a fixed amount in advance each month to defray the cost of legal services furnished in the future. These services span various areas of the law, anywhere from reviews of simple legal documents and the writing of a simple will to more comprehensive coverage of trials, divorce, bankruptcy and real estate issues. Pre-paid legal coverage is a very attractive proposition for people who don’t have the resources to retain a lawyer on a regular basis whenever they need assistance. You effectively have a network of attorneys you can use as retainer to seek preliminary advice about what the issues are and how the procedures work whenever legal matters arise. Services not covered by the plan are available to members for a discount on regular hourly rates or flat fees. A hard fact, however, is that more than half of new subscribers drop out of a prepaid plan after their first year. One reason could be that many members do not require any legal assistance during their first year, so opt out. Another reason is the scope of services offered, which are very basic and limited in nature. Most plans have certain caps or maximums as far as benefits provided are concerned, and purport to offer discount on standard attorney fees instead. However, by virtue of simply calling around by yourself you could probably negotiate a lower rate. Another problem with pre-paid legal plans is the likelihood of getting assigned to a novice attorney. Because of cost considerations, many of the companies behind per-paid services assign trainee or inexperienced attorneys to handle phone consultation and drafting of simple legal documents. You are also less likely to build rapport and understanding, two of the most important attributes of choosing a good attorney, as over 90% of the work is done over the phone.

Credit Consolidation

Credit card debt consolidation What is ‘Credit card debt consolidation’? ‘Credit card debt consolidation’ is a phrase that you must have come across many times. There are hundreds of sites with advice on credit card debt consolidation. Every now and then your favourite newspaper will also contain an article or advise on credit card debt consolidation. TV channels host discussions on credit card debt consolidation. Moreover, there are numerous consultants and companies that provide professional advice on credit card debt consolidation. So what is this “Credit card debt consolidation” that everyone is talking about? Why is it such an important topic? “Credit card debt consolidation” refers to consolidation of the debt on various credit cards into a single credit card (or a couple of credit cards). Generally, you move from a higher APR credit card to a lower APR one. You might ask ‘why?’ If you look into how the vicious circle of credit card debt works, you will immediately understand the logic behind that. Credit card debt grows in 2 ways. One is due to addition of new debt on account of fresh spends on your credit card and the second is due to addition of interest charges to the existing credit card debt. The first one is due to your use of credit card but the second one is due to interest charges which are calculated on the basis of the interest rate or the APR applicable to your credit card. So a lower APR rate means that your credit card debt will grow at a slower pace and hence switching over to a card with lower APR makes perfect sense. The process of credit card debt consolidation is also referred to as balance transfer process (you transfer the balance or debt from one credit card to another).The credit card debt consolidation (or balance transfer) offers are made even more attractive by the credit card suppliers by associating various benefits with them. The simple logic behind offering these benefits is the fact that such a customer would be defecting from one of their competitors. The biggest benefit offered by these credit card suppliers is 0% interest on balance transfers (or credit card debt consolidation). This 0% APR is generally applicable for a short period of time i.e. 3-6 months, after which the standard APR is applicable. Other credit card debt consolidation offers include things like interest free purchase for a short period, reward points, etc. These credit card debt consolidation offers make the exercise of credit card debt consolidation even more logical and meaningful. Credit card debt consolidation seems to be a good way of tackling the problem of credit card debt and that is the reason why there is so much of discussion on the topic of Credit card debt consolidation.

Real Estate Lawyer

Realestate Attorneys

Real estate attorneyThe real estate attorneys
Real estate industry is booming and with that the business of real estate attorneys seems to be booming too. Well it doesn’t so much affect the real estate attorneys whether the real estate industry is booming or not. Since shelter is one of the prime requirements of man, there would be property buyers and property sellers in any case at all times (and real estate attorneys would always be in demand). There are many different ways in which people utilize the services of real estate attorneys. Let’s have a look at what these different ways are:
1. Property dispute: This is one scenario where real estate attorneys are obviously the most involved. Not only do they try to get these property disputes resolved (by litigation or otherwise) but also help to get rid of the property (in certain cases) by selling it off and using the amount received for settlement.2. Tenancy disputes: A real estate attorney also helps in resolving the disputes between tenants and landlords.3. Settlement of property on account of death: Sometimes real estate attorneys also handle the property of the deceased. Here they sell off the property for settling it among the heirs.4. Divorce settlements: Again real estate attorneys help in the settling of the jointly owned properties and the divorce settlement in general.5. Don’t want a broker: Some people are just not comfortable with hiring a broker to sell their property, and hence they entrust this with real estate attorneys (some real estate attorneys do take this up).6. As advisors/consultants: A lot of attorneys also work for real estate investors. In fact, hiring a real estate attorney is a very good option for a real estate investor. A real estate attorney can really make the transactions smooth for the investor. A real estate attorney will not only get it done correctly, but also quickly. And for a real estate investor time is very important since he can spend the time saved due to hiring a real estate attorney, into looking for really good deals.7. Information provider: Some real estate investors use real estate attorneys as a rich source of information especially for getting the information about the properties that are up on sale due to disputes or settlement procedures. Here the real estate investors try to gain advantage by getting the information earlier than others (and they do sometimes get very good deals in this way).
So whether the real estate business booms or not, real estate attorneys are always going to be in job (booming job).